contact us
get in touch
Want to get involved with FUNDEF? We would love to hear from you.
Partner with us
If you are interested in partnering with FUNDEF, please find the right person to speak to on our Partner with Us page.
Take a short course in Bairro-Pite
If you are young person looking to improve your skills for a job, such as English Language, Administration and Finance, and basic computer skills, find out more on our Dili Short courses page and contact our Project Officer, Teofilo Martins, on the phone number +670 7705 1523/7540 4980 and Facilitator Capacity building Anacleto Perera Goncalves on the phone number +670 7567 9993.
Contact our Finance Officer, Inacia de Jesus, on phone number +670 7780 3423.
Meet with us
Comoro, Campung Baru, Dili, Timor-Leste
(across the road from the ICS UniversityBOP).